Monday, May 20, 2013

More Marker Drawings

color color color color.
I think that's what I enjoy about the markers.
It is the pure enjoyment of making color
appear right before your eyes.

And sometimes I get a little
less abstract. Here is a lady with
an impossible hat.

These folks are in their TV space. Who are they? I suppose they are lost souls from canceled sitcoms.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Little Tryings

Here are more Deena Miller pix of me working in the studio last week. What I tried to do:

Stamp my own plaster stamp into a wet cylinder

Carve into this super thick little bottle
Get the bottoms to dry out enough for trimming
Trim the bottom of a pot

Mostly, it was fun. The clay sometimes did as I asked. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Confessions of a Hand Builder

Here it is: I never learned to throw on the wheel. I tried, a couple of times. Each time I was impatient with the amount of time it took to learn. I turned my back on the wheel and dedicated myself to using only pinching, slab and coil techniques. I thought I could make anything I wanted and never need a wheel.

And so you can. But lately there have been stirrings of doubt here in Raisin Studio. Sometimes, I think, it would be a hell of a lot easier to make part of or all of whatever project I have in mind on the wheel instead of laboriously building it by hand. 

And then I got accepted into the summer clay workshop at Haystack, "Developing your Personal Aesthetic in Clay." 

And it struck me: how can I "develop my personal aesthetic" without having the flexibility of using any tool or technique necessary to best create the object I envision? 

Then there was the SHAME of not knowing how to throw! I am tired of my own weak excuses for being an artist in clay and still not knowing how to do it.

So here I am a few weeks into a clay class at the local arts council ceramics studio making earnest attempts to learn the basics. It's taken hours to make a few simple little vessels, let alone making anything expressive that didn't just happen by accident.

I am patient now. I will take the time, and I will learn. Eventually. "No expectations," Kathleen, the studio head at the arts council commented when she heard about my struggles.

(Photos courtesy of Deena Miller)