Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Designing a Garden

hosta still unfolding its leaves

I am a gardener at heart and have always been one. Every spring it is the same urge, and through the winter I long for the spring to come.

another favorite hosta

The garden is always changing year to year, but this year I made a major change. The lawn in the back was eliminated for new beds, a stone patio and gravel paths with stepping stones. This was accomplished by hiring a landscaper to do the heavy stone work and bring in more soil. Then I chose the plantings, hauled them in and planted.

lamb's ears with water droplets

The plants are doing well and should fill in spaces with time. Some seeds are just coming up, so it will look a lot different come August. I love to look at it, be in it and we had our first party and fire out there over Memorial Day weekend.

It is not an artwork for a gallery or museum. It is for me, my friends, my family, but it is art - art in cooperation with the earth and the flower divas. May they all flourish and be happy.

Here is a little video. Don't bother going full screen - it's not high quality. Just peek in like Alice in Wonderland. Remember the tiny doors and the key and the "Eat Me" cake?

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